Bihar Diesel Anudan Yojana 2023 – A very good news has come for all the farmers of Bihar. Accordingly, online applications have been started for benefits under Bihar Diesel Grant Scheme. Such farmers who want to take benefits under this scheme should apply for it as soon as possible. Farmers will have to apply for benefits under this scheme through online. So if you also want to take advantage of this scheme, then you must read the information given below.
How to apply for benefits under Bihar Diesel Anudan Yojana 2023, when and how long you can apply for it. Complete information about which documents will be required to apply for benefits under this scheme is given in detail below. Click on the link given below to apply for benefits under this scheme and for more information about it.
Bihar Diesel Anudan Yojana 2023 Overviews
Name of Department | DBT Agriculture department |
Category | government scheme |
Name of Article | Bihar Diesel Anudan Yojana 2023 |
Post Date | 22/07/2023 |
Apply Date | Already Started |
Apply Mode | Online |
Helpline Number | 1800 -180-1551 |
Official Website | Click Here |
Online applications have been started for benefits under the Bihar Diesel Grant Scheme. Such farmers who want to take benefits under this scheme should apply for it as soon as possible. Farmers will have to apply for benefits under this scheme through online. So if you also want to take advantage of this scheme, then you must read the information given below.
Bihar Diesel Anudan Yojana 2023
Under the Bihar Diesel Grant Scheme, grants are provided by the government to the farmers of the state to plant them with diesel powered pumpsets. Under this scheme, this time online applications have been started for Kharif season crop. You will not need to go anywhere to apply for the benefits under this scheme. You can apply online for this yourself. You can use the link given below to apply for the benefits under this scheme.
Benefits available under Bihar Diesel Anudan Yojana 2023
- Diesel subsidy will be given at the rate of Rs. 75 per liter on diesel purchased for irrigating Kharif crops with diesel pumpsets, Rs. 750 per acre, per irrigation diesel.
- Rs 1500 per acre will be payable for a maximum of 2 irrigations of paddy straw and jute crop.
- Rs 2250 per acre will be payable for a maximum of 3 irrigations of pulses, oilseeds, seasonal vegetables, medicinal and aromatic plants under paddy, maize and other kharif crops in hard crops.
- This grant will be given for irrigation of maximum 8 acres per farmer.
- This grant will be payable to all types of farmers.
- Apart from the farmers of the panchayat area, the amount of grant will also be payable to the farmers of the municipal area.
- The benefit of this scheme will be given only to the farmers registered online in the DBT portal of the Agriculture Department.
- The benefit of diesel subsidy will be given to only one member of the family. Husband-wife and their son/daughter who live together, considering them as a family, their applications will be accepted.
- In the event of family division and separate family, separate applications can be accepted, provided the application is not made for the same land.
- Subsidy will be payable only on diesel purchased for irrigation from the prescribed petrol pump within the state of Bihar.
Eligibility to avail benefits under Bihar Diesel Anudan Yojana
- Farmers who do farming on other’s land (Non-Rayat), will be identified by the concerned Ward Member and Agriculture Coordinator to certify / verify them.
- While verifying, it will be kept in mind that only the Jotedar who is doing actual farming gets the benefit of the grant.
- Only such farmers should apply under this scheme, who are actually doing irrigation using diesel.
- Diesel purchased and actually used for irrigation will be checked by the concerned Agriculture Coordinator.
- Digital acknowledgment receipt (digital voucher) after purchase of diesel from authorized petrol pump, in which 13
- The last ten digits of the registration number of the digit will be valid.
- The benefit of this scheme will be given to online registered farmers only.
Important documents
To apply for benefits under this scheme, you will need some important documents. Complete information about what documents you will need to apply for benefits under this scheme is given in detail below.
- farmer registration number
- Photo
- residence certificate
- mobile number
- diesel seller’s receipt
- bank account passbook
- Diesel receipt computerized / digital, last 10 digit of registration number on the receipt, receipt without farmer’s signature / thumb impression on the receipt will not be valid. The receipt will be valid only from 22-07-2023 to 30-10-2023.
Bihar Diesel Anudan Yojana 2023 how to apply online
- To apply for this, you must first go to its official website.
- You will find its link below.

- After going there you will get the section of Diesel Grant Kharif (23-24).
- Where you have to click on the option of “Apply”.
- After this a new page will open in front of you.

- Where you have to fill the information like grant type, register registration.
- After this you have to click on Search.
- After this, its application form will open in front of you.
- Which you have to fill and submit correctly.
Download Bihar Diesel Anudan Yojana 2023 like this form
All those farmers who are sharecroppers and self + sharecroppers will have to fill and submit an application form to apply for benefits under this scheme.
To download this application form, you must first go to its official website. After going there you will get the section of Diesel Grant Kharif (23-24).
Where you have to click on the option of “Apply”. After this a new page will open in front of you. Where you will get the section of guidelines for diesel subsidy.
Where you will get the link to download this form in number 5/6. You can download this form as per your requirement.
Bihar Diesel Anudan Yojana 2023 Important Links
Home Page | Click Here |
For Online Apply | Click Here |
Download Form (बटाईदार किसान) | Click Here |
Download Form (स्वयं + बटाईदार किसान) | Click Here |
Join Telegram | Click Here |
Official Website | Click Here |
See also:-